KUTV recently reported on a tragic accident in which a seven-year-old Texas boy was killed when the vehicle he was riding in rolled over. The young boy was traveling with his grandparents and with his sister to visit his father...
Read MoreProgram Aims to Show Houston Teens the Dangers of Drunk Driving
As summer approaches, the 100 Deadliest Days are coming. The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day are known as the 100 riskiest days on the road with the highest levels of accidents of any time of the year. A...
Read MoreWhy Seek Medical Attention after a Rear-End Crash in Houston?
In Texas, it is required for drivers to buy $30,000 per person and $60,000 per collision bodily injury insurance coverage. This is mandatory so if a driver causes a crash to occur, the driver's insurer can pay for financial losses...
Read MoreDo Houston Red Light Cameras Cause More Rear-End Crashes?
Drivers throughout Houston, Galveston, Alvin and throughout Texas need to be aware of the risk of rear-end accidents. When the University of North Carolina conducted a study of crashes in different states, it was determined that between 27.5 and 43.2 percent...
Read MorePreventing Neck Injuries in Houston Rear-End Collisions
Whiplash is one of the most common motor vehicle accident injuries in the United States. Whiplash is especially likely to happen after rear-end accidents. A personal injury lawyer knows that whiplash can cause debilitating pain and impair movement. Motorists need...
Read MoreIs “Accident” The Best Way to Describe a Car Crash?
When you pick up the paper and read about traffic crashes, there is a good chance that you will find a news story that describes the crash as an "accident." While many people wouldn't think twice about the wording, some...
Read MoreBooster Seat Safety Tips for Texas Parents
In the state of Texas in 2012, nine children under age one were killed in auto accidents over the course of the year. Another 19 kids between the ages of one and two lost their lives; while 13 three-year-olds and...
Read MoreTraumatic Brain Injury Has Lifelong Impact
Each year, at least 1.7 million people throughout the United States suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI). As the CDC reports, children under age 4, adolescents ages 15-19 and seniors over 65 are at the greatest risk of brain injury....
Read MoreTexas Lawmakers Aim to Protect Drivers from Insufficient Car Insurance Policies
Every driver in Texas is required to buy car insurance in case the driver causes an accident. If a motorist causes a crash, the victims of the accident can sue or make a claim against the driver with the help...
Read MoreGHSA Says States are Stepping up to Fight Distracted Driving - But is Texas?
This year, Texas again failed to pass a statewide ban preventing all drivers from texting while driving. Despite repeated efforts to get such a law on the books, and despite KXAN reporting that 85 percent of Texans thinking texting and...
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